年份 | 电影名称CN | 电影名称EN |
1955 | 阿帕齐女人 | Apache Woman |
1955 | 俄克拉荷马女人 | The Oklahoma Woman |
1955 | 世界末日 | Day the World Ended |
1955 | 沼泽女 | Swamp Women |
1956 | 枪手 | Gunslinger |
1956 | 异形征服世界 | It Conquered the World |
1957 | 赤裸天堂 | Naked Paradise |
1957 | 女生联谊会 | Sorority Girl |
1957 | 地外生物 | Not of This Earth |
1957 | 狂欢摇滚 | Carnival Rock |
1957 | 螃蟹怪的袭击 | Attack of the Crab Monsters |
1957 | 少女娃娃 | Teenage Doll |
1957 | 维京女传奇和圣水之旅 | The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea |
1957 | 未亡灵 | The Undead |
1957 | 摇滚夜不停 | Rock All Night |
1958 | 机枪手凯利 | Machine-Gun Kelly |
1958 | 鲨鱼礁的女神 | She Gods of Shark Reef |
1958 | 穴居少年 | Teenage Cave Man |
1958 | 卫星大战 | War of the Satellites |
1958 | 我,黑帮 | I Mobster |
1959 | 狠心女人 | The Wasp Woman |
1959 | 一桶血 | A Bucket of Blood |
1960 | 地球上的最后一个女人 | Last Woman on Earth |
1960 | 滑雪惊魂 | Ski Troop Attack |
1960 | 禁地惊魂 | House of Usher |
1960 | 恐怖小店 | The Little Shop of Horrors |
1961 | 阿特拉斯 | Atlas |
1961 | 鬼海怪物 | Creature from the Haunted Sea |
1961 | 陷坑与钟摆 | Pit and the Pendulum |
1962 | 活埋 | Premature Burial |
1962 | 恐怖故事集 | Tales of Terror |
1962 | 伦敦塔 | Tower of London |
1962 | 入侵者 | The Intruder |
1963 | 闹鬼宫殿 | The Haunted Palace |
1963 | 魔鸟 | The Raven |
1963 | 恐惧 | The Terror |
1963 | 年轻赛车手 | The Young Racers |
1963 | X | X |
1964 | 红死病 | The Masque of the Red Death |
1964 | 莱姬娅之坟墓 | The Tomb of Ligeia |
1964 | 秘密入侵 | The Secret Invasion |
1966 | 野天使 | The Wild Angels |
1967 | 旅途 | The Trip |
1967 | 情人节大屠杀 | The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre |
1967 | 杀戮时刻 | A Time for Killing |
1968 | 狂野赛车手 | The Wild Racers |
1969 | 目标:哈里 | Target: Harry |
1969 | 萨德 | De Sade |
1970 | 血腥妈妈 | Bloody Mama |
1971 | 红男爵 | The Red Baron |
1978 | 死亡运动 | Death Sport |
1990 | 再闯魔域 | Frankenstein Unbound |