1955阿帕齐女人Apache Woman
1955俄克拉荷马女人The Oklahoma Woman
1955世界末日Day the World Ended
1955沼泽女Swamp Women
1956异形征服世界It Conquered the World
1957赤裸天堂Naked Paradise
1957女生联谊会Sorority Girl
1957地外生物Not of This Earth
1957狂欢摇滚Carnival Rock
1957螃蟹怪的袭击Attack of the Crab Monsters
1957少女娃娃Teenage Doll
1957维京女传奇和圣水之旅The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea
1957未亡灵The Undead
1957摇滚夜不停Rock All Night
1958机枪手凯利Machine-Gun Kelly
1958鲨鱼礁的女神She Gods of Shark Reef
1958穴居少年Teenage Cave Man
1958卫星大战War of the Satellites
1958我,黑帮I Mobster
1959狠心女人The Wasp Woman
1959一桶血A Bucket of Blood
1960地球上的最后一个女人Last Woman on Earth
1960滑雪惊魂Ski Troop Attack
1960禁地惊魂House of Usher
1960恐怖小店The Little Shop of Horrors
1961鬼海怪物Creature from the Haunted Sea
1961陷坑与钟摆Pit and the Pendulum
1962活埋Premature Burial
1962恐怖故事集Tales of Terror
1962伦敦塔Tower of London
1962入侵者The Intruder
1963闹鬼宫殿The Haunted Palace
1963魔鸟The Raven
1963恐惧The Terror
1963年轻赛车手The Young Racers
1964红死病The Masque of the Red Death
1964莱姬娅之坟墓The Tomb of Ligeia
1964秘密入侵The Secret Invasion
1966野天使The Wild Angels
1967旅途The Trip
1967情人节大屠杀The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
1967杀戮时刻A Time for Killing
1968狂野赛车手The Wild Racers
1969目标:哈里Target: Harry
1969萨德De Sade
1970血腥妈妈Bloody Mama
1971红男爵The Red Baron
1978死亡运动Death Sport
1990再闯魔域Frankenstein Unbound