年份 | 电影名称CN | 电影名称EN |
1914 | 二十分钟的爱情 | Twenty Minutes of Love |
1914 | 公平交易 | Getting Acquainted |
1914 | 酒鬼 | The Rounders |
1914 | 竞争对手 | Those Love Pangs |
1914 | 剧院的夏尔洛 | The Property Man |
1914 | 马贝尔的婚后生活 | Mabels Married Life |
1914 | 冒充者 | The Masquerader |
1914 | 奇怪的气体 | Laughing Gas |
1914 | 受辱记 | The Face on the Bar Room Floor |
1914 | 新看门人 | The New Janitor |
1914 | 娱乐 | Recreation |
1914 | 一无是处 | His New Profession |
1914 | 音乐流浪汉 | His Musical Career |
1914 | 遇雨 | Caught in the Rain |
1914 | 工作 | Work |
1915 | 冠军 | The Champion |
1915 | 驾车私奔记 | A Jitney Elopement |
1915 | 卡门的闹剧 | Burlesque on Carmen |
1915 | 流浪汉 | The Tramp |
1915 | 漫漫长夜 | A Night Out |
1915 | 他的新工作 | His New Job |
1915 | 演出之夜 | A Night in the Show |
1915 | 银行 | The Bank |
1915 | 诱拐 | Shanghaied |
1915 | 在公园 | In the Park |
1915 | 在海边 | By the Sea |
1916 | 百货店巡视员 | The Floorwalker |
1916 | 伯爵 | The Count |
1916 | 当铺 | The Pawnshop |
1916 | 警察 | Police |
1916 | 溜冰场 | The Rink |
1916 | 流浪乐手 | The Vagabond |
1916 | 凌晨一点 | One A.M |
1916 | 银幕背后 | Behind the Screen |
1917 | 安乐街 | Easy Street |
1917 | 疗养 | The Cure |
1917 | 冒险者 | The Adventurer |
1917 | 移民 | The Immigrant |
1918 | 从军记 | Shoulder Arms |
1918 | 狗的生活 | A Dogs Life |
1918 | 纽带 | The Bond |
1918 | 如何拍电影 | How to Make Movies |
1918 | 三个人的麻烦 | Triple Trouble |
1919 | 快乐的一天 | A Days Pleasure |
1919 | 田园牧歌 | Sunnyside |
1921 | 寻子遇仙记 | The Kid |
1921 | 有闲阶级 | The Idle Class |
1922 | 发薪日 | Pay Day |
1923 | 巴黎一妇人 | A Woman of Paris |
1923 | 朝圣者 | The Pilgrim |
1925 | 淘金记 | The Gold Rush |
1928 | 马戏团 | The Circus |
1931 | 城市之光 | City Lights |
1936 | 摩登时代 | Modern Times |
1938 | 查理·卓别林的嘉年华 | Charlie Chaplin Carnival |
1940 | 大独裁者 | The Great Dictator |
1941 | 查理·卓别林节日 | The Charlie Chaplin Festival |
1941 | 卓别林马车队 | The Chaplin Cavalcade |
1947 | 凡尔杜先生 | Monsieur Verdoux |
1952 | 舞台春秋 | Limelight |
1957 | 纽约之王 | A King in New York |
1959 | 卓别林短片精选 | The Chaplin Revue |
1967 | 香港女伯爵 | A Countess from Hong Kong |