1926猴尾巴The Tail of the Monkey
1926猫的九条命The Cats Nine Lives
1932商人米奇Trader Mickey
1933邮政飞行员The Mail Pilot
1934米奇的压路机Mickey’s Steam Roller
1934想飞的老鼠The Flying Mouse
1935布鲁托的审判日Plutos Judgment Day
1935米奇的鲁滨逊漂流记Mickey’s Man Friday
1935米奇的拳击手袋鼠Mickeys Kangaroo
1935强盗小猫The Robber Kitten
1935三只小孤儿猫Three Orphan Kittens
1936阿尔卑斯的登山者Alpine Climbers
1936布鲁托妈妈Mother Pluto
1936大明星马上曲棍球大赛Mickeys Polo Team
1936米奇的小象Mickey’s Elephant
1936镜中奇遇记Thru the Mirror
1936乡巴佬The Country Cousin
1937白雪公主和七个小矮人Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
1937魔术师米奇Magician Mickey
1937小海华沙Little Hiawatha
1938捕鲸人The Whalers