年份 | 电影名称CN | 电影名称EN |
1999 | 园丁与男孩 | Malee and the Boy |
2000 | 正午显影 | Mysterious Object at Noon |
2002 | 祝福 | Blissfully Yours |
2003 | 小铁猫的奇妙冒险 | The Adventure of Iron Pussy |
2004 | 热带疾病 | Tropical Malady |
2005 | 七情六敏 | Worldly Desires |
2006 | 恋爱症候群 | Intimacy and Turbulence |
2006 | 赞美诗 | The Anthem |
2007 | 世界的状态 | State of the World |
2008 | 人权故事 | Stories on Human Rights |
2009 | 给布米叔叔的信 | A Letter to Uncle Boonmee |
2009 | 纳布亚魅影 | Phantoms of Nabua |
2010 | 能召回前世的布米叔叔 | Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall his Past Lives |
2012 | 湄公酒店 | Mekong Hotel |
2012 | 灰烬 | Ashes |
2015 | 幻梦墓园 | Love in Khon Kaen |
2015 | 蒸发 | Vapour |