年份 | 电影名称CN | 电影名称EN |
1920 | 病倒在床 | Sick Abed |
1920 | 城市之雀 | A City Sparrow |
1920 | 急什么 | What’s Your Hurry? |
1920 | 加速 | Double Speed |
1920 | 她的首次私奔 | Her First elopement |
1920 | 她挚爱的维伦 | Her Beloved Villain |
1920 | 舞池 | The Dancin’Fool |
1921 | 鞭答之下 | Under the Lash |
1921 | 势利小人 | The Snob |
1921 | 淘气小不点 | Peck’s Bad Boy |
1921 | 伟大时刻 | The Great Moment |
1921 | 有所保留 | Don’t Tell Everything |
1922 | 不可思议的贝娄夫人 | The Impossible Mrs. Bellew |
1922 | 她的镀金年代 | Her Gilded Cage |
1922 | 她丈夫的特征 | Her Husband’s Trademark |
1922 | 我的美国妻子 | My American Wife |
1922 | 摇滚之外 | Beyond the Rocks |
1923 | 挥霍的女儿 | Prodigal Daughters |
1923 | 蓝胡子第八个妻子 | Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife |
1924 | 不佛拉 | Bluff |
1924 | 女性 | The Female |
1924 | 铁门把守的有井 | The Mine with the Iron Door |
1924 | 下个街角 | The Next Corner |
1925 | 布莱恩·肯特的再创造 | The Re-Creation of Brian Kent |
1926 | 玩乐时刻 | One Minute to Play |
1926 | 诱人的青春 | Fascinating Youth |
1927 | 新手 | Rookies |
1928 | 巴黎来信 | The Latest from Paris |
1928 | 昭告天下 | Telling the World |
1929 | 大学生活 | So This Is College |
1929 | 伟大人生 | It’s a Great Life |
1930 | 代价 | Paid |
1930 | 了解女人 | They Learned About Women |
1930 | 说不的女孩 | The Girl Said No |
1931 | 人靠衣装 | A Tailor Made Man |
1933 | 克里斯托弗·比恩 | Christopher Bean |
1934 | 斯坦布尔远征 | Stamboul Quest |
1935 | 歌声俪影 | A Night at the Opera |
1936 | 双重不利 | Whipsaw |
1936 | 无防备之时 | The Unguarded Hour |
1937 | 竟赛之日 | A Day at the Races |
1938 | 杰夫老爷 | Lord Jeff |
1938 | 志同道合 | Stablemates |
1939 | 万世师表 | Goodbye, Mr. Chips |
1940 | 女人万岁 | Kitty Foyle |
1940 | 我们的小镇 | Our Town |
1940 | 幸运游击队 | Rangers of Fortune |
1941 | 莲花仙子 | The Devil and Miss Jones |
1942 | 金石盟 | Kings Row |
1942 | 扬基的骄傲 | The Pride of the Yankees |
1943 | 战地钟声 | For Whom the Bell Tolls |
1944 | 风流债 | Casanova Brown |
1945 | 风尘双侠 | Saratoga Trunk |