年份 | 电影名称CN | 电影名称EN |
1932 | 阁下 | His Lordship |
1932 | 豪华酒店 | Hotel Splendide |
1932 | 瑞诺克斯 | Rynox |
1932 | 我的国王朋友 | My Friend the King |
1933 | 生来有福 | Born Lucky |
1934 | 红船旗 | Red Ensign |
1934 | 日常事 | Something Always Happens |
1934 | 纵火者 | The Fire Raisers |
1935 | 爱的测试 | The Love Test |
1935 | 灯塔魅影 | The Phantom Light |
1935 | 懒骨头 | Lazybones |
1935 | 派对之夜 | The Night of the Party |
1935 | 人群中的女孩 | The Girlin the Crowd |
1935 | 她最后的情事 | Her Last Affaire |
1935 | 未来某日 | Someday |
1935 | 一首歌的代价 | The Price ofa Song |
1936 | 戴面具的男人 | The Man Behind theMask |
1936 | 棕色皮夹 | The Brown Wallet |
1937 | 世界边缘 | The Edge of the World |
1939 | 黑衣间谍 | The Spy in Black |
1939 | 长翅膀的狮子 | The Lion Has Wings |
1940 | 巴格达大盗 | The Thiefof Bagdad |
1940 | 禁运品 | Contraband |
1941 | 魔影袭人来 | 49th Parallel |
1942 | 失去的战机 | One of Our Aircraft Is Missing |
1943 | 百战将军 | The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp |
1944 | 夜夜春宵 | A Canterbury Tale |
1945 | 我走我路 | IKnow Where Im Going! |
1946 | 平步青云 | A Matter of Life and Death |
1947 | 黑水仙 | Black Narcissus |
1948 | 红菱艳 | The Red Shoes |
1949 | 小后屋 | The Small Back Room |
1950 | 谪仙记 | Gone to Earth |
1951 | 曲终梦回 | The Tales of Hoffmann |
1952 | 狂野之心 | The Wild Heart |
1955 | 哦,罗莎琳达 | Oh… Rosalinda! |
1956 | 血拼大西洋 | The Battle of the River Plate |
1957 | 月光照铁衣 | I Met by Moonlight |
1959 | 蜜月 | Luna de miel |
1960 | 偷窥狂 | Peeping Tom |
1961 | 女王卫士 | The Queen’s Guards |
1963 | 蓝胡子的城堡 | Herzog Blaubarts Burg |
1966 | 登陆蛮荒岛 | Theyrea Weird Mob |
1969 | 沙滩上的夏娃 | Age of Consent |
1972 | 变成黄色的男孩 | The Boy Who Turned Yellow |