年份 | 电影名称CN | 电影名称EN |
1974 | 监狱风云录 | Caged Heat |
1975 | 疯狂母亲 | Crazy Mama |
1976 | 对抗疯狂 | Fighting Mad |
1977 | 谨慎处理 | Handle with Care |
1979 | 最后的拥抱 | Last Embrace |
1980 | 梅尔文与霍华德 | Melvin and Howard |
1984 | 小迷糊的情泪 | Swing Shift |
1986 | 散弹露露 | Something Wild |
1987 | 游向高棉 | Swimming to Cambodia |
1988 | 匪徒之妻 | Married to the Mob |
1988 | 闻名全镇 | Famous All Over Town |
1991 | 沉默的羔羊 | The Silence of the Lambs |
1993 | 费城故事 | Philadelphia |
1998 | 真爱 | Beloved |
2002 | 迷情追杀 | The Truth About Charlie |
2004 | 谍网迷魂 | The Manchurian Candidate |
2006 | 尼尔·杨:金子心 | Neil Young: Heart of Gold |
2007 | 来自大草原的人 | Man from Plains |
2008 | 蕾切尔的婚礼 | Rachel Getting Married |
2014 | 建筑大师 | A Master Builder |
2015 | 另一起心灵感应事件 | Another Telepathic Thing |
2015 | 瑞奇和闪电 | Ricki and the Flash |