年份 | 电影名称CN | 电影名称EN |
1954 | 草莽雄风 | Apache |
1954 | 黄金篷车大作战 | Vera Cruz |
1955 | 大刀 | The Big Knife |
1955 | 死吻 | Kiss Me Deadly |
1956 | 攻击 | Attack |
1956 | 怨妇悲秋 | Autumn Leaves |
1957 | 黑社会风云 | The Garment Jungle |
1957 | 愤怒的山谷 | The Angry Hills |
1959 | 十秒下地狱 | Ten Seconds to Hell |
1961 | 最后的日落 | The Last Sunset |
1962 | 兰闺惊变 | Whatever Happened to Baby Jane |
1962 | 天火焚城录 | Sodom and Gomorrah |
1963 | 得州四杰 | 4 for Texas |
1964 | 最毒妇人心 | Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte |
1965 | 凤凰劫 | The Flight of the Phoenix |
1967 | 十二金刚 | The Dirty Dozen |
1968 | 海棠留香 | The Legend of Lylah Clare |
1968 | 修女乔治的双重生活 | The Killing of Sister George |
1970 | 敢死突击队 | Too Late the Hero |
1972 | 威晨大西部 | Ulzanas Raid |
1973 | 大煞星与流浪客 | Emperor of the North Pole |
1974 | 最长的一码 | The Longest Yard |
1975 | 活跃 | Hustle |
1977 | 唱诗班少年 | The Choirboys |
1977 | 美国最后之日 | Twilight’s Last Gleaming |
1979 | 枪手佳人流浪客 | The Frisco Kid |
1981 | 加州玩偶 | …All the Marbles |