年份 | 电影名称CN | 电影名称EN |
1930 | 冬 | Winter |
1930 | 猴子的旋律 | Monkey Melodies |
1930 | 食人族英雄 | Cannibal Capers |
1930 | 消防员 | The Fire Fighters |
1930 | 忙碌的海狸 | The Busy Beavers |
1931 | 生日派对 | The Birthday Party |
1932 | 花与树 | Flowers and Trees |
1932 | 虫虫之恋 | Bugs in Love |
1932 | 疯狗 | The Mad Dog |
1932 | 海神 | King Neptune |
1932 | 猎鸭记 | The Duck Hunt |
1932 | 任性的金丝雀 | The Wayward Canary |
1933 | 三只小猪 | Three Little Pigs |
1933 | 米奇的好友布鲁托 | Mickey’s Pal Piuto |
1933 | 往昔时光 | Ye Olden Days |
1933 | 越野障碍赛 | The Steeplechase |
1934 | 帕斯特镇的婚礼 | Pastry Town Wedding |
1934 | 贪玩的布鲁托 | Playful Pluto |
1934 | 鹦鹉镇消防局 | Parrotville Fire Department |
1934 | 遇见鸭子 | Along Came a Duck |
1934 | 祖父的钟 | Grandfather’s Clock |
1935 | 大胆的国王科尔 | Bold King Cole |
1935 | 纺纱鼠 | Spinning Mice |
1935 | 放狗 | Putting on the Dog |
1935 | 狡猾的小狗 | The Foxy Terrier |
1935 | 快乐的小猫 | The Merry Kittens |
1935 | 猎人来了 | Hunters Are Coming |
1935 | 抹布狗 | Rag Dog |
1935 | 奶牛莫莉·穆和蝴蝶 | Molly Moo-Cow and the Butterflies |
1935 | 奶牛莫莉·穆和瑞普·凡·温克尔 | MollyMoo Cow and Rip Van Wrinkle |
1935 | 奶牛莫莉·穆和印第安人 | Molly Moo-Cowand the Indians |
1935 | 日本灯笼 | Japanese Lanterns |
1935 | 斯科特找到家 | Scotty Finds a Home |
1935 | 野餐忍慌 | The Picnic Panic |
1935 | 鹦鹉镇老友 | Parrotville Old Folks |
1935 | 鹦鹉镇邮局 | Parrotville Post Office |
1935 | 侦查鸟 | Bird Scouts |
1936 | 多纳村拖车 | Toonerville Trolley |
1936 | 多纳村野餐 | Toonerville Picnic |
1936 | 海神的废话 | Neptune Nonsense |
1936 | 奶牛莫莉·穆和鲁滨逊·克鲁索 | Molly MooCow and Robinson Crusoe |
1936 | 下金蛋的鹅 | The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg |
1936 | 野餐恐慌 | The Picnic Panic |
1939 | 睡公主 | The Sleeping Princess |
1939 | 顽固的骡子 | The Stubborn Mule |
1939 | 我们的麻烦 | A Haunting We Will Go |
1939 | 牙签的诞生 | The Birth ofa Toothpick |
1939 | 愚蠢的迷信 | Silly Superstition |
1940 | 小汤姆·瑟姆的冒险 | Adventures of Tom Thumb Jr. |
1940 | 熊猫安迪去钓鱼 | Andy Panda Goes Fishing |